11 April 2019
Happy Easter to you all.
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
Remember to practice gratitude.
The working bee to tidy the hedge clippings will be held today at 3.30pm onwards. This is a very big job, so if you can spare an hour anytime this afternoon please come along and help. We need all families to support this – ‘many hands make light work’. Bring along rakes, brooms, shovels, gloves, wheelbarrows, hand held hedge clippers, leaf blowers.
Electronic Sign In/Sign Out
We now have an electronic sign in/sign out tablet on the front desk at the office. It is a Health and Safety requirement that all parents/caregivers enter via the front door of the school and use this device to sign in/sign out.
The pool is now closed for the season. Please return all keys to Riversdale Service Station or the school before the school holidays commence.
Board of Trustees Elections
Close Main Roll Noon Wednesday 8 May, 2019
Call for Nominations by Friday 10 May, 2019
Close Supplementary Roll Noon Wednesday 22 May, 2019
Nominations Close Noon Friday 24 May, 2019
Voting Papers sent by Wednesday 29 May, 2019
Election Day (voting closes) Noon Friday 7 June 2019
Count Votes Thursday 13 June, 2019
Board take office Friday 14 June 2019
There will be two vacancies on the Board and we would like all community members to consider standing for this unique J opportunity. If you would like further information about the role of the Board, please go to www.nzsta.org.nz. On the website there is a wealth of information all about Boards of Trustees and what their role is in the governance of a school. We have a very collaborative Board who work together as a great team supporting the staff, with a very clear focus on children’s wellbeing and achievement. Every person has a range of skills to offer and we would love you to be part of this happy and well functioning team.
An informal session for those interested in school board elections.
Location: Ascot Park Hotel, Invercargill, Wednesday 1 May, 6.00pm.
Attendance is FREE. All welcome. RSVP to: lshelley@nzsta.org.nz
Kōrari - a programme that provides you with governance training to help you understand the role of school boards of trustees. For more information contact us on 0800 782 435.
Gumboot Friday
Thank you to everyone who donated. The money raised goes towards Schools and families being able to access free counselling for our school aged children. You will have seen the ads on TV about this.
Coming Up
Thursday 11 April Working Bee 3.30pm.
Thursday 11 April Sports Activator Kate at school.
Friday 12 April Last day of Term 1.
Thursday 25 April School Choir sings at ANZAC Service in the Community Centre.
Monday 29 April Term 2 commences.
Lost Property
Please check out the school hall over the next week to see if your child has ‘belongings’ in the lost property container. As is customary, this will be washed and donated at the end of this term.
Dear Supporters,
As many of you are already aware, Challenge Fuel have recently launched ‘My Challenge’ - a rewards programme designed for people and their local communities.
Once you’re signed up, anytime you fill up you can choose to donate your fuel discount to a local community group, like us. Thanks to those already sharing, we’re getting closer and closer to reaching our goal.
All we need is for you to share what you can. There are now two ways to share. You can share your discount, or you can choose to share your reward points. It’s up to you.
For anyone who hasn’t joined My Challenge yet, all you need to do is visit My Challenge, sign up, and follow the simple instructions on the communities page of the My Challenge website, or just pop into Challenge Riversdale.
Thanks again, and feel free to forward this to any friends that you think might like to support us too.
New Wendon War Memorial
Anzac Day at 2.30 pm
A ceremony and tree planting will be held at the Wendon Hall to
unveil a new memorial to the men of the Wendon district who died
in three conflicts. This memorial replaces the previous one on the Wendon Church which has been taken down. Afternoon tea will follow. All welcome.
16th, 17th and 18th of April at Queens Park, 9am to 3pm each day.
Boys and girls ages 5 – 13 years. $30 a day or $75 for all 3 days.
To book for more information please contact Mark on coach@southlandcricket.co.nz or phone
021 2415966. Please provide players name, age, email address and contact number.