Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana
(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)
Please ensure you add the reason why your child is not at school in your text or voice message when your child is absent. This is required so that the attendance report can be sent through to the Ministry of Education.
Anzac Day
On Sunday 25 April, the school choir sing at the Riversdale ANZAC service. The service is held at the Riversdale Community Centre starting at 10am. If your child is in the school choir, we would greatly appreciate if you can please bring them along to sing. We would LOVE to see all of our Tamariki at this important community observance.
Holiday Reading
Some students will bring home books to practice their reading over the holidays. It would be great if your child/ren could practice their reading during the holidays to maintain the progress they have made this term. Please ensure all books are sent back to school with your child/ren next term.
Cross Country
Waimea Cross Country will be held at Waikaia next term on Thursday 27 May. Parents/caregivers transport their child/ren up to Waikaia if possible, and teachers
transport any students who need a ride. More information
will be in the newsletter next term.
Teacher Only Day
Next term on Tuesday 8 June the school will be closed to students for a Teacher Only Day. Tamsin Hanley will be working with the Board of Trustees and staff on the New Zealand History Curriculum.
Riversdale School and Community Pool
The pool is now closed. Please return all keys to school asap.
School Photos
After today, the school is no longer accepting school photo orders. If you haven’t ordered your photos and wish to order, you will need to contact Geoff Horrell directly on (03) 208 9675.
Coming Up…
Friday 16 April Last day of Term 1.
Sunday 25 April ANZAC Day. All children are asked to attend,
especially those in the school choir.
Monday 3 May First day of Term 2.
Thursday 27 May Waimea Cross Country.
Tuesday 8 June Teacher Only Day. School closed to students.