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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 1 Week 5

Farewell to Bethany Perkin

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.

If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive

It has been pleasing to see students displaying our theme of kindness throughout the school day. Remember to continue discussing kindness with your child/ren and ways they can display kindness both inside and outside of school.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported with preparation for Athletics Day, especially marking the track! This is a huge job and your support was greatly appreciated.

We were fortunate enough to have great weather for Athletics Day today and it was great to see all students giving it their best.

Community Assembly

Reminder: Community Assembly is tomorrow Friday 6th March at 1:30pm in the school hall. Come along and see what the students have been up to.

Coming Up This Term

Friday 6 March Community Assembly in the Hall. All welcome.

Monday 9 - 11 March - Harold and the Life Education Van at school.

Thursday 12 March - Northern Athletics at Lumsden.

Monday 16 March - PAT/STAR/e-asTTle assessment week.

Friday 20 March - Northern Swimming

Tuesday 24 March - Year 8 HPV vaccinations.

Thursday 26 March - Sports Activator Sarah will work with all classes.

Monday 30, Tuesday - Nutrition education Years 5 – 8, 31 March.

Thursday 2 April - Community Assembly – All welcome

Sunday 5 - 9 April - Years 7 and 8 Camp to Deep Cove.

Friday 10 April - Good Friday. School Closed for the holidays.

Monday 27 April - School Closed. ANZAC Day Observed.

Tuesday 28 April - First day of Term 2.

Save the date

Friday 27th March – Pool fundraiser. Something exciting is in planning at the pool. Watch this space!

Riversdale School and Community Pool

The Riversdale School and Community Pool sell food wrap, foil and baking paper throughout the year to support the running costs of the pool. If you wish to purchase any, please pop into the school office. The updated price list is below.

Pool Fundraiser Price List

Food wrap 300m x 33cm = $23, 600m x 33cm = $35

Roll foil 90m x 44cm = $22, 150m x 30cm = $22

Baking paper 100m x 30cm = $30


The world is a changing place at the moment, with a great deal of media attention on Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Please take some time to encourage -

· Regularly washing hands (for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap and dry thoroughly).

· Covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze.

· Staying home if you are sick.

· Avoiding close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.

· If you feel unwell you should avoid public gatherings and events.



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