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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 2 Week 1

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana

(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)

Thank you Parents/Caregivers for your support on ANZAC Day. The choir had a great turn out and sounded amazing. We really appreciate you bringing your child/ren along.

Westpac Chopper Appeal Bike Ride

This Friday 7 May the Westpac Chopper Appeal cyclists will be stopping at Riversdale School at approximately 11.30am for lunch. They are cycling from Queenstown to Invercargill to raise money for the Westpac Chopper Appeal. This is the 10th Annual Westpac Chopper Bike Ride. All funds raised go to the Lakes District Air Rescue Trust.

We ask that all students please bring a donation on or before 9am this Friday so we can contribute to the Westpac Chopper Appeal.

Cross Country

Waimea Cross Country will be held at Waikaia on Thursday 27 May. Parents/Caregivers transport their child/ren up to Waikaia if possible, and teachers transport any students who need a ride. Please let your child/s teacher know if they need a ride to and from Cross Country. We will let you know the time next week.

Riversdale School and Community Survey

Today the oldest or only child was sent home with a survey regarding the pool. Please complete and return the survey by Monday 10 May. Every returned survey qualifies the whole whanau to choose something from the Principal’s Prize Box.

Freeze your bits off busking

On Thursday 3 June the school choir will be singing on the main street of Gore in the ‘Freeze your bits off busking competition’. More information will be sent home with choir children next week.

Teacher Only Day

Reminder: On Tuesday 8 June the school will be closed to students for a teacher only day.

Pink Shirt Day

On Friday 21 May it is Pink Shirt Day to support anti-bullying. Children come dressed in pink and bring a gold coin donation to fundraise for anti-bullying. Every dollar raised helps the Mental Health Foundation to run Pink Shirt Day, raise awareness about bullying prevention and provide free resources to help make our schools safe and inclusive for everyone.

Riversdale School and Community Pool

The pool is now closed. Please return all keys to school asap.

School Values Awards

At Riversdale School children are awarded House Points for displaying the school values of; respectful, responsible and resilient. Children are working towards achieving values targets.

50 House Points = Bronze Values Award

100 House Points = Silver Values Award

150 House Points = Gold Values Award

Congratulation to Zeke who was the first student to receive his Bronze School Values Award for earning 50 House Points in 2021. Ka Pai!

Coming Up …

Thursday 6 May - Sarah, Sports Activator.

Friday 7 May - Westpac Chopper Appeal Bike Ride stopping at school. Please bring a donation.

Friday 21 May - Pink Shirt Day. Please bring a donation to support anti-bullying.

Thursday 27 May - Waimea Cross Country.

Monday 31 May - Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:30pm.

Thursday 3 June - Northern Cross Country.

Thursday 3 June - Freeze your bits off busking. School Choir.

Tuesday 8 June - Teacher Only Day. School closed to students.

Friday 18 June - Southland Cross Country.

Affco SPM Cash for Schools Programme

Thank you to the families who have nominated Riversdale School for the Affco SPM Cash for Schools Programme. Your support is very much appreciated.



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