Farewell: Shameka and Mikaella Pelesco Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
The second week back at school has flown by! Class routines are underway and children have settled back into school routines. It is great to see children practicing kindness, which is our focus for the year.
It is very rewarding to have all the children returning to school at Alert Level 2. Well done to all of the parents/caregivers who prepared the children well and helped them to feel confident about their return. The teachers have also done a great job of re-introducing the routines and ensuring the children feel safe back with their onsite school learning.
We are required to send student attendance data to the Ministry of Education weekly, from 29 May. The purpose is to report to the National Crisis Monitoring Centre and Government on levels of attendance during the COVID-19 period. I am very pleased to report that, to date, student attendance at Riversdale School for Term 2 is 98.4%.
Thank you parents and caregivers for following our Covid-19 health precautions for contact tracing by signing in on the sheets provided when entering the school building. Students have been great at following our hand washing procedures also. The following information is from the Health Nurse in Gore about symptoms to look out for, and to encourage Covid19 testing if people show any of these:
A cough.
A high temperature (at least 38C).
Shortness of breath.
A sore throat.
Sneezing and runny nose.
Temporary loss of smell.
Students must stay home if they show any of these symptoms.
To arrange a test, call Healthline on 0800 3585453 or your G.P. There should be no cost, and results are available within 24 - 72 hours.
In Term 1 we moved to electronic attendance registers. The Ministry of Education requires us to enter the specific reason that children are absent from school. Therefore, if your child is absent for part of, or a whole day, we need to know exactly why so that we can enter the appropriate code when marking their absence. You can inform us through a telephone message, or texting the school cell phone 027 5553534, or by messaging your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ka kite ano
Our Years 7 and 8 children will start their technology learning at Northern Southland College this Friday 29th May. We look forward to hearing about what they learn.
Coming Up This Term …
Monday 1 June School Closed. Queen’s Birthday observed.
Riversdale Home and School Association
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 23rd June 2020, 7:30pm
Venue to be confirmed
Our AGM’s are informal and quick. We would love to see you, Mums or Dads welcome!
Please RSVP to Jane Lawrence on 027 4774101.
Have you joined the Riversdale Home and School Facebook group? This is a place where we keep you up to date with information regarding fundraisers and upcoming events.
Below is an article by Keith Abraham. For more than 24 years Keith Abraham has worked with large corporate organizations, across 33 countries, presenting to more than 1.6 million people. Keith has authored five best-selling books, published in 12 languages, and has been named Keynote Speaker of the Year, Educator of the Year and is a recipient of the highest speaking award in Australia, the Nevin Award.
Such a great song from the Beatles. In actual fact, we really need love now! As I have been chatting with audiences all around the world sharing my concept of choosing your mindset - or what I call an amplified attitude - I have been sharing six key mindsets each of us needs to have in this environment of uncertainty.
Now, it’s not about having all six, it’s about picking one and focusing on it with such intensity that every cell in your body believes it. This mindset coupled with a high level of intensity changes how you turn up every day. It influences how you walk, talk, think, what you say to others and most importantly what you say to yourself.
Here are the six I have been sharing ...
Courageous: You need courage if you are going to change anything in your life.
Tenacious: You need the determination to face the challenge and conquer it.
Limitless: If you look and believe there are so many opportunities in the future.
Grateful: You must have gratitude if you are going to learn the lesson of what lockdown really means to you in this time of your life.
Empowered: You need to give yourself permission to step into your light, your potential and your possibilities.
Which brings me to number six and the one that has been outnumbering all of the above five by a 2:1 ratio over the last month.
Self-Love: The ability to stop being your harshest critic and become your best friend, your strongest cheerleader and your greatest coach!
So if that is not you, that’s okay, select one of the first five to focus on for the next 30 days.
However, if Self-Love resonates with you, then focus on these four elements to put yourself at peace with who you are right now; what you need to be doing in your life right now; and how you have arrived at this time and place in your life. My belief is that in order to strengthen your level of Self-Love you need to enhance ...
Your Self-Esteem
Your Self-Awareness
Your Self-Belief
Your Self-Confidence
How do you do this?
To enhance your Self-Esteem ensure you are developing, maintaining and strengthening your positive Self-Talk.
To enhance your Self-Awareness look inside from time to time and Self-Assess what you like about yourself and what you really love to do that gives you joy.
To enhance your Self-Belief invest in your Self-Development on a regular basis ... reading, journaling, listening, watching and connecting with mentors.
To enhance your Self-Confidence take the time to set your Self-Direction by defining your goals and make progress towards them every day.
Which amplified attitude do you need to be the boss of this month?
Can You Help?
Northern Southland RDA has been operating for 15 years providing children in the area with a learning platform to build confidence, self-esteem, and develop physical coordination and muscle strengthening. We run 3 ½ hour sessions on a Wednesday on the property of David and Lynley Stevens, helping up to 12 riders a week from all over Northern Southland. As a result of our annual audit we must find a Level 3 Coach to continue to operate. We need someone that is:
Interested in people and loves children.
Has a knowledge of horsemanship.
Is prepared to be police vetted.
Is prepared to travel for training sessions and complete a level 3 Ag I T O certificate.
If this sounds like you please contact Shona Macgregor 027 4457864 or Pam Snell
021 997222.
Pool Fundraiser Price List
If you wish to order or purchase, please contact the school.
Food wrap 300m x 33cm = $23, 600m x 33cm = $35
Roll foil 90m x 44cm = $22, 150m x 30cm = $22
Baking paper 100m x 30cm = $30