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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 3 Week 1

Welcome: Archer Bennett and Jimmy Blatch

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.

If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a lovely holiday with your families. We are back into an action packed term of learning. This week we have had Averil Lee our Numeracy facilitator working in all classrooms providing PD for the staff, and Sarah the sports activator working with all children.

The Kapa Haka group had the privilege of performing at the Senior Citizens lunch on Wednesday. The children performed well and should be very proud of themselves.

This Friday 24th July children will bring home their school reports for you to read prior to interviews on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th July. If you would like an interview with your child/rens teacher and have not already booked one, please call the office to book a time. We value the opportunity to meet with all whanau and children to talk through their learning. It is expected that all children attend the interview with their parents, as they can talk about what they have learned and their next steps. Please bring them along.

Ka kite ano

School Disco

Next Friday 31st July we will be having a disco in the School Hall from 6.30-8pm. The theme is to dress up as your favourite TV or movie character. Entry is free. Bring some coins to purchase food and drinks.

Ministry of Education Attendance

For students to gain the numerous benefits of school, attendance is critical. However, the past few years have seen substantial national drops in the number of students going to school regularly.

Regular attendance is defined for statistical purposes as 90% attendance or higher. Ministry of Education analysis shows there is no ‘safe’ level of non-attendance, every day matters. Every day at school has a cumulative impact on students’ learning. A child with an average of 90% attendance will miss the equivalent of one year of schooling in ten.

Buy a Brick Day – donation to the Southland Charity Hospital

On Friday 31st July we are going to have a black, red and white day to support Blair Vinings legacy. Please wear black, red and white and bring a gold coin donation to support the Buy a Brick Campaign.

Blair Vining reckoned if everybody in the South bought a brick, together we could build a hospital so we’re going to do just that.

On Friday 31 July, 2020, the Southland Charity Hospital want to see schools and businesses across New Zealand hold a mufti day in support of his legacy, on the first-ever Buy a Brick Day. The public is encouraged to don red, white and black (the colours of the Blair Vining Sports Foundation) to raise funds at their school or workplace, which can then be used to purchase supporter’s bricks as a method of donating much-needed funds to the Southland Charity Hospital. Waipounamu/Wendonside Bus - The new bus driver for the Waipounamu/Wendonside Bus is Rex Affleck. His contact details are 0274327678.

Lucky Book Club - Due to the school no longer dealing with cheques and cash for this, you will have to order online please. The books will still come to school and we will hand out as before. Remember if you want them as a gift to indicate on the form and we will phone you when they arrive.

Mathematics Professional Development

We are very lucky to have a fantastic advisor, Averil Lee, supporting all teachers with professional development in mathematics. She is working alongside teachers to develop their understanding of fractions and providing feedback to improve teaching practice and student achievement. This week, Averil modelled a range of knowledge activities in each classroom. Ask your child(ren) about the new concepts and activities that she introduced them.

Basic Facts

Basic facts are important for children in order to make progress in maths. Knowing these facts off by heart enables students to free up space in their minds so that they can complete more complex mathematical thinking without having to dedicate brainpower to ‘working out’ the basics.

By the end of Year 2, all children should be able to instantly (within 3 seconds) recall:

  • Addition and subtraction facts to 5.

  • Doubles to 10.

  • Addition facts to 10.

  • Doubles and corresponding halves to 20.

  • Ten and facts (e.g. 10 + ____ = 18).

  • Multiples of ten that add to 100.

By the end of Year 4, all children should be able to instantly (3 sec) recall:

  • Addition facts to 20.

  • Subtraction facts to 10.

  • Multiplication and division facts: 2, 5, 10.

  • Multiples of 100 that add to 1000 (e.g. 100 + ____ = 1000).

By the end of Year 6, all children should be able to instantly (3 sec) recall:

  • Addition and subtraction facts to 20.

  • Multiplication facts to 10 x 10 and some corresponding division facts.

  • Multiplication with 10, 100, 1000.

By the end of Year 8, all children should be able to instantly (3 sec) recall:

  • Fraction/decimal/percentages for halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths.

  • Division facts up to 10 x 10.

  • Divisibility rules for 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10.

  • Square numbers to 100, and corresponding roots.

  • Factors of numbers to 100.

  • Common multiples of numbers to 10.

Your child’s teacher will be able to inform you about what basic facts your child needs to work on and provide you with a range of strategies and ideas to support you.

Pool Keys - Please return all Swimming Pool keys to the School Office as soon as possible.

Coming Up This Term …

Friday 24 July - School Reports sent home.

Monday 27 July - Parent, Student, Teacher conferences.

Tuesday 28 July - Parent, Student, Teacher conferences.

Friday 31 July - Red, Black, and White Day – gold coin donation please.

Friday 31 July - School Disco, 6.30pm until 8pm in the School Hall.

Wednesday 5 August - Years 5 – 8 speeches, Room 2, starting at 9:15am.

Wednesday 19 August - Waimea Speeches at Riversdale School.

Thursday 20 August - Community Assembly in the School Hall at 1.30pm. Hosts are Room 5.



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