Welcome to our new student, Sapphira Moncur-Cook
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
Wheels Wednesday
Wheels Wednesday was a great success with lots of children having fun on their wheels at morning tea and lunch time. It was great to see children showing kindness towards one and other.
Reminder - If children do not bring a helmet they cannot use their wheels. A helmet must be worn for all types of wheels at school.
We will be having another Wheels Wednesday in Week 7 on Wednesday 2 September.
School Disco
A big thank you to Rob for an outstanding disco. We appreciate your generosity providing the students with professional lighting and music.
Lockdown - We will be having a lockdown practice
on Monday.
Buy a Brick Day – Donation to the Southland Charity Hospital
Thank you to all who brought a donation along to support Buy a Brick Day. We managed to raise
$315.10 to donate to the Southland Charity Hospital. The Riversdale Home and School have kindly topped our donation up to $500 so Riversdale School could purchase a plaque. Thank you very much for your kindness.
Room 1 and Room 7 presented their speeches yesterday.
Ka Pai! You all did a fantastic job.
Ka kite ano Home and School Meeting
There will be a Home and School meeting on Monday 24 August in the School Staff Room at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome. Please come along to support the Home and School and hear about what is happening for the rest of the year.
Coming Up This Term …
Monday 17 August - Board Meeting, 7:30pm.
Wednesday 19 August - Waimea Speeches at Riversdale School.
Thursday 20 August - Community Assembly in the School Hall. 1:30pm. Host Room 5.
Monday 24 August - Home and School meeting at 7:30pm in the School staffroom. All Welcome.
Wednesday 2 September - Speeches Area Finals, NSC, 6:30pm.
Thursday 3 September - Sarah, Sports Activator, working with all children.
Wednesday 16 September Speeches – Grand Final, Winton starting at 6:30pm.
Monday 21 September - Board Meeting, 7:30pm.
Thursday 24 September - Community Assembly in the School Hall starting at 1:30pm.
Friday 25 September Last day of Term 3.
Values Certificates
We will be acknowledging the students who received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.