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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 4 Week 1

Welcome to our new student Bailley White

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.

If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.

Riversdale School

Board of Trustees Mid-term Election 2020

Nominations are open for the election of two parent representatives to the Riversdale School Board of Trustees.

All eligible voters will have received a nomination form and a notice calling for nominations – you can use this form to nominate yourself or someone in your community.

If you need more nomination forms, please contact the school office.

The electoral roll is held at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours.

There will also be a list of candidates’ names kept at the school up until election day, which you can view.

Nominations are open for the election of two parent representatives.

Nominations close at noon on Sunday 1 November, 2020 (please note, as the school will be closed for the weekend (31 September and 1 November) you will be unable to hand deliver on either of these days).

Voting closes at 4pm on Friday 4 December, 2020.

Pet Day

Next Friday 23 October we will be having Pet Day. Children make all items they are entering at home and bring them to school on the 23 October. Entries are put in the School Hall by 9:30am when it is closed for judging. All children must enter at least two Hall events. At 9:30am all children assemble on the Soccer Field in front of the Hall for the Grand Pet Parade. Children who do not have a pet join a friend who has a pet.

Buses run as normal. Please advise your bus driver if your child is off the bus. Please bring a packed lunch as there will be NO BBQ on Pet Day. However, some Room 7 girls are organizing a baking stall, so bring along loose change for that and many $$$$ for the marvellous cake auction!

Teacher Only Day

On Friday 20 November we will be having a Teacher Only Day. On a Teacher Only Day school is closed to students so parents are required to find alternative childcare.

Ka kite ano

Prime Lamb and Calf Competition Friday 12 February, 2021

Just a reminder about this major annual fundraiser – half of the proceeds come to the School!

Keep 1 calf or 3 lambs out NOW to be in to WIN some great prizes and support the Community and School.

If you would like to pledge a calf, please contact Curly Napier on 021 475853.

Coming Up Next Term …

Friday 23 October Pet Day.

Monday 26 October Labour Day observed – school closed.

Sunday 1 November Nominations close at noon.

Tuesday 10 November Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm at the school.

Friday 4 December Voting Closes at 4:00pm.

Tuesday 8 December Year 8 Graduation at 7:00pm in the School Hall. All welcome.

Thursday 17 December School Picnic at Dolamore Park.

Friday 18 December Last school day of the 2020 year.

Learning Differences

As you may be aware, the focus for my sabbatical was learning differences (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and others). This set me off on investigating these, and the programmes and support that can be accessed, as well as diagnosis of them. At the end of 2019 I made contact with Chris Cole. Last term teachers had professional development with Chris from Learning Differences in Invercargill. Chris also hosted a parent evening.

We are delighted to be continuing our journey with Chris. She has a wealth of valuable knowledge about strategies we can put into place to support the learning for all. Some examples in the classroom are to have print in large font, and not enormous amounts of it on one page. The other is the continued teaching of sounds and letters right through the school. We call this phonological awareness. Examples for you to try are do you know what sounds these letters/letter combinations make?







One key programme that is a privilege to have access to is Better Start Literacy. This was developed by Professor Gail Gillon and is targeted at New Entrants. Kimberley has ended the 10 week delivery of this, and children are now being retested. This data will be sent through to the research team in Christchurch and analysed to see what improvements the children have made. My evidence, from spending a couple of sessions in Room 5, is that it makes a significant difference to the way that our wee nippers get underway with literacy.

If you have any questions about your children and potential learning differences, please pop in to speak to me. Chris sent through information I am very happy to share.

Home and School Baking Mixes

A notice and order forms will go home with children tomorrow for our annual baking mix fundraiser. Orders and payment are due back on Friday 6 November.

This is our only fundraiser for the year so your support is greatly appreciated.


The Home and School Committee.



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