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Riversdale School Newsletter Term 4 Week 1

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Mā te tuakana ka tōtika te teina, mā te teina ka tōtika te tuakana

(From the older sibling the younger learns how to do it, from the younger sibling the older learns how to be tolerant/everyone has responsibilities, both the old and the young.)

Riversdale School Uniform Survey

This has been sent out to all whanau. It will come via email, as a Google doc. Please open it, respond, and click submit. Results are automatically collated.

School Buses

Please text the bus driver if your child/ren are off the bus, especially in the mornings.

Reminder – The School cellphone number is 027 5553534. Please update your phone.

Pool Update

The heat pump has been ordered. The piping for this will be installed. It is expected that the heat pump, which takes several months to build, will be installed over the summer break. So, great news, we will have consistent warm pool temperatures from 2022 on.

Key costs are the same as previous years for this season - $80 per family, $2 per individual. If you still have a key, PLEASE return it to the school.

If you enter the school grounds PLEASE

  • Wear a face covering.

  • Scan or sign in at the office.

  • Sanitize your hands.

  • Keep a 2m distance from others.


All children must wear a sunhat every day this Term. Children must have a bucket style sunhat, not a cap. Please send your child to school with a named sunhat they can keep at school.

Riversdale School Sunhats are available to be ordered if we have an order of 10 or more hats. If you would like to order one for your child/ren, please contact Wendy Scully by Friday 29 October. Please include surname and/or first initial and surname to be printed on the hat. Hats will be approximately $15.

Riversdale School Hoodies

If you would like to purchase your child/ren a Riversdale School Hoodie you can go into Southern Workwear in Gore to order and pay for one. There are now two options.

The original current thinner option $50.

The new version (thicker, and the material has more stretch) $50.

Image of the new hoodie below. It will be printed with Riversdale and the child’s surname like the old version.

Values Certificates

We will be acknowledging the students that received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient, and responsible, at Riversdale School, in the newsletter the

following week. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.

Room 1 - James, Ryan W, Callum.

Room 3 - Tom, Bella, Georgia.

Room 4 - Edie, Cooper, Grayson.

Room 5 - Toby, Aroha, Evie.

Room 7 - Renee, Blaine, Billie-Mya.

Coming Up…

28 October – Sarah, Sports Activator, working with all children.

02 November - Room 3, 4, 5 speeches.

07 December - Riversdale School Production.

08 November – Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm in the school staffroom.

06 December – Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm in the school staffroom.

08 December - Riversdale School Production.

20 December - Last day of school for 2021.

Home and School - Baking Mixes 2021

The Home and School will be running their baking mix fundraiser again this year. Information about the Term 4 fundraiser will go home with children next week.



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