Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
Term 1 and Term 4 are the terms that we expect the children to wear sunhats during lunchtime, playtime and any activity outside for any length of time. These must be bucket or legionnaire hats, not caps. Wearing tops that cover shoulders is also a good idea when the sun is out. With no hat, children are directed to play in the shade.
Riversdale School hats are available to order at Southern Workwear in Gore.
Northern Tennis
Yesterday we had some children representing the school at Northern Tennis at the Balfour and Riversdale courts. All students played well and should be very proud of their effort. The results for the day were:
Years 5 – 6 Girls: Casey Campbell 2nd, Stella Clarkson 3rd.
Years 5 – 6 Boys: Lachie Smith 1st, Quinn Campbell 5th, Blaine Dillon 6th.
Years 7 – 8 Girls: Heidi Clarkson 2nd, Amelia Nicholson 3rd.
Years 7 – 8 Boys: Flynn Reed 2nd, Fabrice Frei 3rd, Sam Smaill 4th, Max Smith 7th.
The first four placegetters will be going to Southland next Wednesday 30th October. We wish them all the best for this event!
Northern Golf was postponed until Monday 4th November.
Keeping Ourselves Safe, Dare and Kia Kaha Programmes
Policeman Fenton Herrick has finished delivering three sessions to each classroom on aspects of Keeping Ourselves Safe, Dare and Kia Kaha programmes. The children have learnt lots and we are very appreciative of his support for these.
Sports this Term…
There are lots of sporting opportunities this term. Tennis, cricket and Mr Riordan’s Friday night golf are all happening. Children bring home a note if they express an interest in taking part in one of these after school activities. If you want to know more about these, email or phone the school.
School Disco
The Disco has been changed to Friday 8th November due to the Balfour Fireworks being on at 6.30pm on Friday 1st November. The disco will still be Halloween themed and go from 6.30pm -8pm. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Dash of the Dale
The Fun Run is next Friday 1st November at 1.30pm. Children will need to bring a change of clothes and shoes for after they have finished, as they will be very muddy from the mud patch. Anyone is welcome to come and support the children while they complete their run over obstacles and through mud. Remember to keep fundraising for your run!
Young Reflections
Joy from Young Reflections will be in Room 1 before, during, and after the fun run for parents to browse through her selection of books, games, activities etc., and purchase any items. This will be a great opportunity to start Christmas shopping early!
Coming Up This Term….
Monday 28 October - Labour Day, School closed.
Tuesday 29 October - Firewise programme for all children.
Wednesday 30 October - Southland tennis.
Friday 1 November - Fun Run 1.30pm.
Monday 4 November - Northern Golf Competition.
Friday 8 November - Halloween Disco 6.30pm.
Monday 11 November - First Aid programme for Rooms 1, 5, and 7.
Monday 11 November - Board of Trustees meeting at 8pm in the staffroom.
Tuesday 12 November - First Aid programme for Rooms 4 and 6.
Friday 29 November - Teacher Only Day, School closed.
Monday 2 December - Swimming lessons with qualified instructor commence.
Children swim daily for next 2 weeks.
Monday 9 December - Board of Trustees meeting at 8pm.
Monday 16 December - Year 8 Graduation in the school hall.
Wednesday 18 December - Production evening. Great School Water fight 2.15pm.
Thursday 19 December - Production evening
Friday 20 December - Last school day for 2019
Twilight Golf Riversdale
Twilight Golf, 9 holes, at the Riversdale Golf Course every Wednesday night starting 30 October.
High school age and above. Tee off at 6:00pm and $5.00 entry. Everyone wins a prize
Come for a night of social golf. Any queries contact Debbie Schriek on 202 5625.
Riversdale Tennis Club AGM, Wednesday 6 November 7:00pm at the Riversdale Bowling Club
New President required.
Discussion on the future of the club.
All players are required to attend.
All inquiries to Richard on 027 5442220