Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.
Reminder – On Friday 20 November school will be closed to students for a Teacher Only Day.
Board of Trustees Election Results
We extend our congratulations to Sonia Dillon and Haydn Blatch who have been elected for a three year term to the Board of Trustees. Thank you both for your commitment to the school, and we look forward to your leadership and contributions to this great school that we have.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Richard Clarkson who has stood down from the Board. Richard has been a Board member since November 2014. The staff and Board have enjoyed your common sense approach to the governance of the school Richard. Thank you for all the work you have organised and done around the school. The grounds are a total credit to your commitment towards the children of this community.
Contacting the School
If you need the school to inform your child/ren of after school arrangements, please text or call the school cellphone to ensure we get the message to your child/ren. Emails are not always checked prior to 3pm.
Community Assembly
We will be holding one Community Assembly this term on Thursday 3 December. It will be our last Community Assembly for 2020.
We will have a range of books available for a donation. These books have been culled from the School Library due to insufficient space on our shelves. We had to make room for new books arriving and we would like to see these well loved books go off to a new home.
School Values
At Riversdale School children are awarded House Points for displaying the school values of; respectful, responsible and resilient. Children are working towards achieving values targets.
50 House Points = Bronze Values Award
75 House Points = Silver Values Award
100 House Points = Gold Values Award
Congratulations to Cooper, Tom, Lachlan, Ashlyn, Olivia, Callum, Luca, Lachie, Kate, Mattie, Sam and Murphy who received their Bronze award last Friday. Ka Pai!
Congratulations to Lexi, Maisy, Harry and Georgia who received their Silver award last Friday. Ka Pai!
Coming Up This Term …
Tuesday 10 November - Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm at the school.
Monday 16 November - Northern Golf Tournament.
Tuesday 17 November - Home and School meeting 7.30pm in the Staffroom.
Thursday 19 November - Sports Activator sessions for all students.
Friday 20 November - Teacher Only Day – School closed.
Thursday 3 December - Community Assembly. Monday 7 December - Board of Trustees Meeting, 8:00pm at the school. Tuesday 8 December - Year 8 Graduation at 7:00pm in the School Hall. All welcome.
11 to 15 December - Room 1 on camp at Deep Cove.
Wednesday 16 December - Great School watertight. Thursday 17 December - School Picnic at Dolamore Park. Friday 18 December - Last school day of the 2020 year.
Values Certificates
The following students received certificates for displaying the values of being respectful, resilient and responsible at Riversdale School. Ka Pai! You all displayed the school values so well last week.
Room 1 - Lachie, Quinn and Eilish.
Room 3 - Aoife, Charlie and Ella.
Room 4 - Maggie, Harry and Sam.
Room 5 - Evie, Izzy and Dakota.
Room 7 - Zeke and Ryan
Home and School Association
Reminder – Please return all baking mix forms and make payments to the Home and School by 3pm tomorrow, Friday 6 November. We will let you know next week dates for packing (looking like week of 30 November) and would appreciate a couple of hours of your time to help put the baking mixes together. Home and School Meeting Tuesday 17 November at 7.30pm in the staffroom, all welcome.
Prime Lamb and Calf Competition Friday 12 February, 2021
Just a reminder about this annual fundraiser – half the proceeds go to the School!
Keep 1 calf or 3 lambs out NOW to be in to WIN some great prizes and support the Community and School.
If you would like to pledge a calf, please contact Curly Napier.