Welcome: Cristofe Alonsabe
Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.
Hello everyone,
Kia ora e hoa mä.
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai.
If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive
We have a big week ahead. The production is looking amazing. What a lot of talent we have in our senior class, and across the school. Mark either Wednesday or Thursday on your calendar as a must attend evening out. Production starts at 6.30pm. Children are to arrive, wearing foundation, at 6pm and meet with their teacher in the Mavor Room at the Community Centre.
On Monday and Tuesday, we will be having dress rehearsals at the hall. Please do not send heat ups for lunch and cancel fish and chip orders as well, as the children will be taking their play-lunch and lunch down to the Community Centre.
On Monday evening we formally farewell our Year 8 leavers. This is always a sad, yet exciting time – sad for us because we lose some wonderful families from the school if your child is the youngest, and exciting for the Year 8’s as they go forward to the next years in their learning journey.
Everyone is welcome – you don’t have to have a Year 8 child leaving. Our Year 5, 6 and 7 children are performing a special item to farewell the Year 8’s so they need to come along. Please bring a small plate for supper. Graduation starts at 7pm in the School Hall.
We are absolutely delighted to see that every Year 9 St Peter’s student from Riversdale School was presented with a prize at the St Peter’s prize giving this week. Well done to all of our 2018 Year 8 graduates for continuing to work so diligently. This reflect the fabulous preparation that Miss Przewieda does with our students.
Library Closed
Please return all school library books and journals, junior readers – any school books you have
Production Stage Set Up
Thank you to those who came along and set up the stage on Sunday afternoon. After the Production on Thursday evening we ask that some people stay behind to take down the stage, pack up the seating, clean the toilets and hall floor. This only takes ½ - 1 hour.
Coming Up This Term ...
Friday 13 December - School reports, class lists and stationery lists sent home.
Monday 16 December - Year 8 Graduation in the school hall, 7pm.
Wednesday 18 December - Great School Water fight at 2.15pm.
Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive 6pm.
Thursday 19 December - Production evening, 6.30pm start. Children arrive at 6pm. School book will be sent home today.
Friday 20 December - Last school day for 2019. School buses run at 12.30pm and town children will be sent home at this time. Children only need to bring morning tea.
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day. School closed.
Friday 7 February - First school day for children in 2020. 9am start.
Board of Trustee News
At the meeting on Monday evening the follow items were discussed:
The roll is currently 111 children.
Basic Facts Report. This showed that 25% are above expected level, 47% are At expected levels, 15% are working towards and 13% are below the expected level. There has been a gradual improvement across the year, however those children working towards and below need to do a big push to learn these. They make all maths so much easier if you have instant recall (3 seconds) of them.
2019 Charter. Teachers have reported against the goals. The management team
will collate the data to report for the two targets. The completed Charter will be tabled at the first meeting in 2020.
Self review was completed for the 2019 year.
Our school will receive approximately $73,000.00 for property work from the Ministry of Education. The Board and staff are considering projects that this could be spent on. It must be utilised within 24 months.
Financial. The school is on track for the end of the year.
Property. The fence is almost complete. The Board is going to proceed with painting and kitchen upgrades at the school flats. The water test returned a nil result.
Meeting dates for 2020 are: Mondays; 2 March, 6 April, 25 May, 29 June, 17 August, 21 September, 9 November, 7 December.
Home and School
Baking Mixes
A huge thank you to the volunteers who came to pack last week and to all parents who sold baking mixes. We raised just over $5100!
There are around 10 families who have not collected their baking mixes, can you please arrange to collect these from the room beside the office ASAP, thanks.
Production Raffles
The Home and School will be doing hamper and prize raffles on both production nights next week.
For the hampers, we would ask if each family could please kindly donate 2 items from any of the following categories to go in the hampers:
Sweet and Savoury (non-perishable). Regifting. Home and Garden. Health and Beauty.
There is a box in the office underneath the lost property table. Please send items to school this week 9th – 13th December. Thank you to those families who have already sent their items to school.
There will be an awesome kids kayak to be raffled off each night, as well as the hampers and other prizes.
2020 Fundraising
The Committee are currently putting together a fundraising calendar for 2020. If you have any fundraising ideas, can you please let a Committee member know about them and we can look into them for next year.
Thanks for helping us to support the school this year.
Prime Lamb and Calf Competition - February 21st, 2020
Riversdale School receives half the proceeds of this major fundraiser. Previous suppliers will be contacted. For new entrants please contact:
Lambs (set of 3 = most dollars on kill sheet wins) – Murray (Curly) Napier 021475853, Calf (most dollars/heaviest wins) – Greg Reed 0272764410.
Calf collection day Monday 17th February/Lambs Tuesday 18th.
Great prizes and family BBQ evening!
The Great School Water Fight – Wednesday at 2.15pm
Takes place at school on Wednesday at 2.15pm. Children are to bring their swimming togs and a towel. They may bring ice-cream pottles, water guns, drench guns and yoghurt pottles. No buckets (they take too long to fill) and no water balloons (they litter our school grounds). Junior children are separated from senior children. It finishes at 2.45pm approx... and children get changed ready for home or the bus. Bring a plastic bag or swimming bag for wet togs.
Bring back all Riversdale School tracksuits and tee shirts please. These get returned to Mrs Wing in the Resource Room, or to your child’s teacher.
Please send a re-usable bag with your child/ren next week for their school books and art to be brought home in.
Stationery Lists
You will notice on tomorrow’s stationery list that some books are to be purchased from the Warehouse, this is because Paper Plus does not carry the Impact brand. Please ensure you purchase the books specified. Teachers have taken some time to ensure that the books on the list are exactly selected to suit each child’s needs.
If you log into the Paper Plus website their items online.