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Riversdale School Term 2 Week 2

Welcome to our new students: Emma Souness and

Jessie Polglaze

Tena Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whanau.

Hello everyone,

Kia ora e hoa mä.

Friday Sports

After discussion with Jos at Waikaia, and the Board Chairperson, we decided to reformat our Friday Sports sessions. The rugby children will still go to the sports grounds from 1.30 - 2.30pm on a Friday afternoon. All other children will remain with their teacher and do sports sessions with their class on Friday afternoons. The reasons for this are because it better caters for children’s specific needs. I took hockey last year, and having 5 year olds who had never held a stick before, up to highly skilled 12 year olds, was challenging as there was no way that all needs could be met. It was the same at soccer. There has also been a shift to after school practices for our senior rugby boys, and our hockey players. Netball is being coached by Miss Stevenson (thank you very much!) after school on Monday nights, and on a Friday lunchtime. Therefore, only children involved in rugby will go to the sportsgrounds on Friday afternoons. The rest will have fun learning a range of skills and codes with their class and teacher.

New School Phone Number – 027 555 3534. Please delete all previous numbers and only use this number, or the landline, to contact the school for messages, absences, or to talk with staff. The landline is still 03 2025 814.

Teacher’s Contract Negotiations

Last week all Southland teachers attended a range of paid union meetings. Our teachers went to the ones in Lumsden. Your child came to school as normal, because teachers at this school provided learning activities for two classes for the period that one of their colleagues was away. Some schools chose to send children home. As yet, we do not know what the outcome going forward will be, but teachers are pretty ‘staunch’ about the need to improve conditions for the profession. You may or may not realise that if a teacher moves into a Year 7 - 13 High School situation they would be immediately be paid about $5000.00 more and have a day a week release. There is no pay parity with our secondary colleagues, even if we have identical qualifications. In Thursday’s Southland Times there was a brief piece about some research showing the increasing incidence of verbal and physical assault that teachers encounter. It is not only from children, but also increasingly from parents. Teachers in leadership positions are on the ‘front line’ of this. I have to agree. Over my period of time at this school, there has been a marked increase in the past 5 - 8 years of a small minority of parents verbally abusing me, making threats and using appalling language. Our values are respect, responsibility and resilience. This is what we expect our teachers and children to model, and also parents. The profession is not going to retain, or attract, our brightest and most competent people into it, unless the conditions and pay improve. Very few young teachers aspire to be Principals. At the meeting I attended, a teacher said that when she left her public sector job to train as a teacher, she took a $20,000.00 pay drop. Teachers are shaping the lives of our future society members. It is an important role. Fortunately in this community we know we are valued for the work we do. You, as parents, know just how very fortunate you are to have your children at a school where teachers are so committed and care so much about the children. If you would like to support the teaching profession, send a quick email or Freepost letter to a MP asking them to support the teaching profession by settling the contract negotiations. Thank you so much for your continuing support. We really do appreciate it.

Please return all pool keys to Riversdale Service Station or the School NOW. Thank you.

Coming up this term

Thursday 23 May Waimea Cross Country – all children attend. Held at Waikaia.

Monday 27 May Board of Trustees meeting, 7.30pm at school. All welcome.

Thursday 30 May Community Assembly at 1.30pm in the school hall.

Monday 3 June Queens Birthday observed. School closed.

Thursday 6 June Northern Cross Country.

Monday 10, 17, 24 June Senior children at badminton skills sessions.

Wednesday 19 June Home and School AGM.

Friday 21 June Southland Cross Country at Waimumu.

Thursday 27 June Community Assembly at 1.30pm in the school hall.

Friday 28 June School Reports and children’s workbooks are sent home.

Monday 1 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Tuesday 2 July Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews from 3.15pm.

Friday 5 July Last day of Term 2.

Monday 22 July Term 3 starts.

Thursday 25 July John Parsons, Cybersafety expert, at school working with teachers and children. Parents also welcome to come along.

Board of Trustees Election

Please consider standing for the Board …. if you would like any information about the role of a trustee, give one of our current Board members a call (Emma Smaill, Andrew Allan, Richard Clarkson, Sonia Dillon and Gavin Tayles).

Board of Trustees Election

Close Main Roll Noon Wednesday 8 May, 2019

Call for Nominations by Friday 10 May, 2019

Close Supplementary Roll Noon Wednesday 22 May, 2019

Nominations Close Noon Friday 24 May, 2019

Voting Papers sent by Wednesday 29 May, 2019

Election Day (voting closes) Noon Friday 7 June 2019

Count Votes Thursday 13 June, 2019

Board takes office Friday 14 June 2019

Nomination forms have been posted to all eligible voters, if you do not receive one please contact the school. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office

A copy of the voting roll is available for inspection at the school office during normal school hours.

Pink Shirt Day

It is on Friday - 17th of May. Please wear something pink to show your support and acknowledge that we are an anti-bullying school. Room 7 are going to collect a gold coin donation that will be donated to the Mental Health Foundation.

Home and School AGM

Wednesday 19 June, Waikaia Hotel

Meal at 6pm, followed by the meeting at 7.30pm

Waimea Cross Country

Where: Waikaia

When: Thursday 23 May 2019

Time: 1:00pm sharp

You must contact the bus driver if your child is off the bus.

On Thursday 23 May all of our children will travel to Waikaia for the Waimea Schools Cross Country. The Cross Country is held at the property of Mr Ray Ferguson on Blakie Road, it is signposted from the Waikaia Bridge (refer to the map above). We ask that parents please provide transport. If you are unable to do this please find a ride with someone else for your child/ren, and send a note to school advising us of this. Teachers will be able to transport a small number of children.

Cross Country is not an optional event – every child displays our school vision and values by participating and doing their best. Each child who does their best and competes receives House Points.

Children come to school as normal, by bus or walking/biking. We will depart from school at 12:20pm to arrive at Waikaia by 12:45pm. Children will have an early lunch prior to leaving school. Please meet your child at the front or back school gate.

The 5 year old children are the first to race, with 6 years, then 7 years and so on up. Last are the 12 and 13 year olds. Ages are as at 31 December 2019, and will be written on children’s hands by their teacher.

Upon arrival children must line up in an orderly manner, in their age groups, and racing will commence. At the end of each race the first ten or so boys and girls are lined up in finishing order and their names recorded.

Once your child/ren have run, you are free to take them home.

Please ensure your child has warm clothing, a change of footwear (including socks) as it can be very wet underfoot, and a jacket and hat to put on. It may be appropriate for them to run wearing a hat if it is very cold. Also ensure that they do have a drink for when they finish the race. Gym shoes are worn to run in, as per Southland Primary School rules.

Toilets are back in the township beside the Waikaia Store.

If you have any questions regarding cross country please either ask your child’s teacher, or phone the school. We look forward to a fine day, and encouraging each of our children to do the best that they can.

You must contact the bus driver if your child is off the bus.



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